Welcome to Marc Shular Law. Marc Shular specializes in divorce and family law and is dedicated to providing the highest quality legal services to individuals in the San Diego area, Southern California area and beyond. Every effort is made to resolve your case in a prompt manner.
Marc D. Shular
Certified Family Law Specialist
Mr. Shular is licensed to practice accounting as a Certified Public Accountant. In addition, Mr.Shular has been appointed to act as a special master to assist the Court resolve complicated issues. A special master is appointed when an issue such as division of community property or computation of an equalization payment, is too complicated and time consuming for the court to handle from the bench. In these situations, the Court will appoint a special master and defers judgment on the issue to a date at which the special master submits a written report.
Mr. Shular did his undergraduate work at the New York University and graduated in 1986 with a Bachelor of Science in accounting. He then joined the public accountant firm of Arthur Andersen and Company in New York City as a Certified Public Accountant. Mr. Shular worked for Arthur Anderson and Company for a period of three years and then decided to give law school a try.
He enrolled at California Western School of Law and worked for Denny Kershek while attending school. After graduation and passing the California State Bar Exam, Mr. Kershek and Mr. Shular formed the partnership.
We are your number 1 resource for providing the best and most professional legal services related to family law. We will help you every step of the way to make sure that your case has the best chance of success.
If you have any questions or concerns about divorce of family law in the State of California, do not hesitate to contact us here.